It doesn’t take much to get sick. A cold, the flu, and even allergies can make your life miserable. But what about respiratory illnesses? Respiratory illnesses are a broad range of conditions that affect the respiratory system. Many different symptoms can be associated with respiratory illness. In this blog post, we will list six common symptoms of a respiratory illness so that you know what to look out for in yourself or your loved ones.
- Fever
The moment you start to run a fever is when you know something has gone wrong. If your temperature begins to rise, it could mean that there are toxic substances in the body or an infection of some sort. Fever fights infections by increasing metabolism, which speeds up chemical processes within cells and helps them release heat energy. This may be why our bodies have this natural defense mechanism against illness.
- Headache
Headaches can come on suddenly or slowly over time depending on what’s triggering this symptom of respiratory illness- whether it is allergies, flu, colds, etc. There are many different types of headaches, but generally, they all stem from inflammation found at the base of the neck, where nerves pass through into the head region. If left untreated for a long time, the inflammation can worsen and cause chronic headaches.
- Coughing
A dry cough can be annoying, but it gets worse with phlegm production or coughing up blood. A cough can be accompanied by sputum, usually white in color, and has an unpleasant smell of mucus mixed with dead cells from the lungs. It’s important to note that not all cases of sputum have this type of odor, so people should visit their doctor just to be sure. If there are no other symptoms present aside from coughing, then sinusitis may likely occur as well as pharyngitis-inflammation of throat tissues leading to pain.
- Shortness of breath
If you have been exerting yourself and find it hard to catch your breath after taking a few steps, it might be time to use one of the cutting edge thorasys devices for an evaluation. There are several reasons for shortness of breath, but generally, they can be broken down into two categories: the lungs themselves not functioning properly or the heart struggling to pump enough blood around the body due to increased strain put on it from poor lung function.
- Nausea and vomiting
If nausea and vomiting become recurrent feelings every time, it could indicate respiratory illness. Nausea and vomiting are often caused by lung infection, but it could also be due to medications, allergies, or other factors.
- Fatigue
Fatigue is a very common symptom in respiratory illnesses. It can be caused by a lack of oxygen, or it could simply be the body’s way of saying that something is not right and you should rest.
These are a few symptoms of respiratory illnesses; others include chest pains, tightness in the chest, and wheezing. If you have been feeling any of them, consult a doctor right away.