
Costs of surrogacy in Ukraine

Surrogacy is a fertile ground for moral and ethical disputes. Opponents of this auxiliary reproductive method, much more numerous than its supporters, bring up religious and psychological arguments about its unnatural nature. At the same time, what could be more natural than a woman’s desire to bear and give birth to a blood-born child?

Surrogacy in Ukraine

Surrogacy program is recommended for the following compelling indications and reasons:

  • The uterus is missing from birth or has been removed for medical reasons;
  • Uterine cavity or cervix is deformed;
  • Synechiae of the uterine cavity that cannot be treated;
  • Health problems that make it impossible to carry a fetus or deliver a baby on your own;
  • Multiple IVF attempts have failed.

To become a surrogate mother, a woman aged from 18 to 35 years old with a healthy child of her own may be considered somatically and mentally healthy, as confirmed by a full examination. Her physical appearance should not have any distinctive inherited defects or features. It is impossible to become a surrogate mother without the written consent of your spouse.

A couple who seeks a surrogate’s help should understand that the surrogacy program will require considerable efforts and financial expenses. It includes the following major medical, accompanying, and supporting activities, which entail financial costs.

  • tests and examinations;
  • IVF protocol, including required medications;
  • transportation and housing for the surrogate mother;
  • Medical accompaniment of the woman during the pregnancy;
  • If necessary, inpatient or outpatient care to preserve the pregnancy;
  • Natural delivery or cesarean section;
  • provision of necessary legal procedures.

Costs of surrogacy in Ukraine

If you are interested in the question how much does surrogacy cost in Ukraine, we should point out at once that the final cost is influenced by a number of factors. Remuneration is negotiated with the surrogate and legally documented. When discussing the surrogate’s remuneration, the amount is stipulated in case of complete success of the program upon its completion; failure of the IVF protocol or failure to conceive due to objective medical reasons; availability of monthly payments, if they are made as agreed upon by the parties.

Delivering Dreams offers prospective parents medical and legal support for this ART program:

  • Selection of a candidate surrogate.
  • Checking whether the surrogate matches the patient’s wishes (within reasonable limits);
  • Checking the information about the SM, collecting documents for the documentary registration of participation in the SM program;
  • Examination and medical procedures for the sex worker;
  • Support and explanatory work with the SM and patients during the legal registration of applications and the contract for participation in the surrogacy program;
  • Assistance to the SM in solving her everyday issues under the terms of the contract;
  • informing the patients about the status of their program, the SM’s and the child’s state of health;
  • preparation of necessary documents for work with insurance companies (if required);
  • accompanying the SM and parents to the maternity hospital; assistance with registration of the child born in the SM program.

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