
The Best Method of Hair Transplant Prevalent in India

There are two methods are scientifically accepted in the hair transplant world known as the FUT hair transplant as well as the FUE hair transplant. The hair root or the follicular units/grafts are extracted through the acceptable techniques in the hair restoration faculty that further defines the technique relevancy in terms of getting the desired number of hair roots to meet the goal of the procedure. The hair transplant in India is getting the popularity and the acceptance due to the best technique/method selected in the procedure that gives the best outcomes. It has been seen that the procedure performed by the FUT technique/strip method gives the best outcome and are widely used in India. The hair transplant performed by FUT technique is always on high demand in the restoration world because of the fact of the best outcome strength that a surgeon extracts in a particular session of hair transplant. The FUE is another method that also used to extract the roots, but there is a limitation to obtain the same due to the involvement of the multiple punching processes, which applies the aesthetic distance for every punching. Sometimes when the need for grafts is very high with the highest grade of baldness, the combined method of FUT+FUE is performed to meet the desired restoration goal of the surgery.

Before, explaining anything in detail, it is important to know each technique separately in order to know the strength of the procedure as defined below:

  • The FUT Hair Transplant: The FUT or the follicular unit transplant is the primary technique of the procedure that allows the graft extraction via the strip excision and one can get the best number of hair roots in a single session. The linear strip containing follicular units are excised involves the small incision followed by the advanced closure technique known as the Trichophytic closure.

The FUT hair transplant in India has a greater mass appeal in comparison to the FUE technique as the possibility of a greater number of roots are only achievable with the strip method.

After removal of the strip that dissection process of grafts is performed under the higher magnification of microscopes. The higher magnifications are allowed in order to obtain the best number of viable grafts without even a single number of graft transection that further depends on surgeon or technician’s skill that how minutely and precisely they handle the procedural work.

  • The FUE Hair Transplant: The FUE or the follicular unit extraction is the technique of individual hair root extraction in a single time that is performed via multiple punching processes made by the use of punching tool or motorized punching machine. The FUE offers the limited number of grafts in a single session and thus only allowed to receive the minimum number of graft extraction and thus adapted to cover the lesser grade of baldness or a patient is in need for the body hair transplant.

Why FUT Technique of Hair Transplant is Prevalent in India?

  • It Gives the Maximum Number of Hair Roots: The FUT technique allow a surgeon to obtain the best maximum number of grafts/follicular units in a single session as the extraction is only made via the strip of the skin. If a patient is affected by a higher NW-class of baldness, the only recommended technique would be the FUT hair transplant.
  • It Gives Permanent Results: The grafts extracted in the FUT technique remain forever on the scalp because of the involvement of the safe donor part, i.e., the back & sides of the scalp. The extraction of DHT-resistant hair roots retains their resistivity despite being transplanted to another location on the scalp. Therefore, the FUT hair transplant is the best method to restore hair that remains forever on the scalp and never shows the effect of miniaturization or DHT-sensitivity.


On the whole, we can say that the procedure of hair transplant involves the scientifically proven technique to extract the hair roots that are chosen carefully based on the patient’s state of baldness, an available grade of baldness as well as the physiological and anatomical status of hair. This is advisable to go for the primary consultation if you are affected either by the genetic or the situational hair loss.

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