
Tummy Tuck Following Weight Loss: What’s the Importance of the Procedure?

No other body part is more frustrating than our stomachs. As you go through normal physical changes, like the aging process, weight fluctuations, and childbirth, excess fat and skin will accumulate around your middle. Unfortunately, diet or exercise can be unsuccessful in helping you reclaim the waistline you want. This is why we recommend a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) for your medical weight loss journey.


We generally have two forms of tummy tucks: partial and full. Both are often done under anesthetic.

A partial tummy tuck involves an incision across the patient’s lower tummies. It also involves separating body skin from abdominal walls below the patient’s belly button, getting rid of excess fat, and putting together the sagging skin in place.

On the other hand, a full tummy tuck encompasses making an incision across our lower tummies, often from one hip to another. It also involves making another incision to free our belly buttons from the tissues surrounding them, separating our skin from abdominal walls, realigning the muscles, getting rid of the fat, cutting another hole, and stitching it back. Lastly, the surgeon will pull together the remaining sagging skin and then stitch it in place.

Who Are Suitable Candidates?

Your surgeon will look at the following:

  • Have reasonable expectations of the abdominoplasty’s results
  • You must have good emotional and physical health
  • You must have attained your weight loss goals or have a stabilized weight

What to Expect

First, understand the risks involved with the process. Second, choose a professional plastic surgeon. A suitable surgeon must have the right certifications and qualifications. This way, you can trust the surgeon’s professionalism and experience.

Generally, the procedure lasts 2 to 3 hours, and the recovery period can go up to two weeks. Health experts recommend waiting about five days before returning to your daily activities. They also advise avoiding heavy lifting and vigorous exercise for two weeks.

Why Undergo the Procedure after Weight Loss?

If you have sagging skin following a major weight loss, abdominoplasty is the way to go. Here are the reasons why the procedure is an ideal solution:

1. Boost Self-Confidence

After the procedure, many patients feel more confident about their appearance and comfortable in various social settings.

2. Greater Mobility

You can comfortably and freely move without any loose skin during your everyday activities and workouts. So, the procedure is a great investment that helps to level up our fitness routines.

3. Improve Comfort

Abdominoplasty eliminates excess skin that causes chafing, irritation, and infections, making you more comfortable after the procedure.

4. Lasting Outcome

The advantages of the procedure will last if you maintain a healthy lifestyle. This way, you will appreciate your new look and body.

5. Better Core Strength and Posture

A tummy tuck procedure achieves more than just removing sagging skin. It also tightens the patient’s abdominal muscles, resulting in a stronger core and better posture.

You need to be happy with your weight and overall health to get good results. Generally, the results are long-term, especially if you maintain a very stable weight.

You will lose a little firmness as you age—this is natural. However, if you stay healthy throughout the process, you will enjoy the results for many years.

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