Ascorbic acid also called Vitamin C is an essential ingredient in your skincare routine. It reduces the synthesis of melanin and promotes the differentiation of keratinocytes. This natural antioxidant protects from the damages caused by UV rays. Human skin needs plenty of Vitamin C to create the skin barrier and produce collagen in the dermis. It can prevent oxidation.
People with Vitamin C deficiency experience a lot of skin problems like porphyria cutanea tarda and atopic dermatitis. As a result, Vitamin C levels in plasma get depleted in case of atopic dermatitis. Vitamin C deficiency is also one of the chief causes of the pathogenesis of porphyria cutanea tarda.
Reduces cancer cells
Vitamin C in high concentration helps to diminish cancer cell viability and invasiveness. It also induces apoptosis in HMM (human malignant melanoma). Therefore, Vitamin C plays an essential role in curing skin diseases like atopic dermatitis, porphyria cutanea tarda, postherpetic neuralgia, herpes zoster, and malignant melanoma.
You can select the best vitamin c lotion for face to enjoy all these benefits. It is also suggested to consume foods rich in Vitamin C to get protection from various skin diseases mentioned above and improve your overall health. The low molecular weight (LMW) ascorbate as a water-soluble vitamin plays an essential role in your skincare regimen.
Food sources increase Vitamin C levels
Humans usually obtain Vitamin C through diet. You can increase Vitamin C levels in your body up to 1-15 mg/ml through intake of foods rich in Vitamin C. The multifunctional organ – skin has three layers namely dermis, epidermis, and subcutaneous tissue.
The skin has elasticity and tension to protect internal organs in your body against harmful external factors. The epidermis consists of dendritic cells and keratinocytes. It plays an essential role in preventing moisture loss and protecting you from harmful substances. Your skin gets nutrition from the dermis. The connective tissues consist of elastic fibers and collagen fibers in the dermis. The epidermis holds a higher concentration of Vitamin C compared to the dermis.
You can find a lot of Vitamin Serums for your face in the market. It is necessary to read ingredients lists and their effectiveness to understand their benefits for your skin health. Supreme Serum is one of the best Vitamin C Serums available in the market at affordable rates. It is a must in your skincare routine.
Main ingredients in Vitamin C Serum – Supreme Serum
Its key ingredients are Kojic Acid, Arbutin, Amino Acids, L-Ascorbic Acid, and Hyaluronic Acid. All these ingredients are blended using an advanced formula in hygienic facilities under the instruction of a reputed scientist to boost your skin appearance. It also heals skin imperfections. It is an essential Vitamin C lotion for aging people to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
Regular use of Supreme Serum is recommended to improve your dull skin. It also plays a vital role in dry skin. It supplements your skin with antioxidants. It is available in the denomination of 15 and 30 ml bottles at reputed online stores. You can buy using a debit card from your home comfort.
Vitamin C lotion protects your facial skin from UV light. It minimizes premature cell death. It also minimizes the release of inflammatory compounds – cytokines. It also lowers premature cell death. It increases collagen growth to prevent premature wrinkling. You can apply Vitamin C lotion on your skin for six months to enjoy a noticeable difference.
You can also get plenty of Vitamin C by including Tomato Juice, Guava, green chili pepper, Papaya, Oranges, Strawberries, Sweet Red Pepper, Pink Grapefruit Juice, Lemon, Kiwifruit, Pineapple Chunks, and Potato in your daily diet. It is also suggested to practice exercises daily to enjoy upbeat health.